The Art of Knitting Book 1892: eBook Instant Download


The Art of Knitting was published in 1892, a Victorian classic was the first ever complete guide to knitting.  It contains a detailed how to guide which is easy to follow with lots of examples.  Furthermore, the book has several knitting patterns for women, men and children.

The book covers

  • Examples of fancy stitches, including edging designs for mittens and socks,
  • Borders for scarves and shawls, and knitted edgings and insertions.
  • Ladies’ knitting patterns for hoods, capes, shawls, jackets, fascinators, leggings, and many other items.
  • Menswear items includes sweaters, belts, scarves, ties, and many more.
  • Children’s clothing and toys,
  • The book also features patterns for counterpanes, spreads, doilies, mats, and other household items.

Below is the contents of the book

  • General Directions for Knitting.
  • Fancy Stitches and Designs in Knitting.
  • Designs for Fancy Stripes, Tops to Mittens and Socks, Borders, Scarfs, Shawls, Etc., Etc.
  • Knitted Edgings and Insertions.
  • General Rules for Knitting Mittens, Socks and Stockings.
  • How to Wash Silk Knitted Articles.
  • How to Wash Wool Knitted Articles.
  • Calculation in Knitting and Table for Same.
  • Hoods, Capes, Shawls, Jackets, Fascinators, Petticoats, Leggings, Slippers, Etc., Etc.
  • Directions for Knitting Various Articles and Garments, for which no Illustrations are given.
  • Sweaters, Belts, Scarfs, Ties, Hunting Caps, Suspenders, Etc., for Gentlemen.
  • Counterpanes, Spreads, Borders, Doilies, Mats, Etc.
  • Rugs.
  • Useful Articles for Children’s Wear.
  • Dolls, Reins, Balls, Etc., for Children.

This book contains over 160 pages and is delivered instantly in PDF format.  For you to enjoy.


This book contains over 160 pages and is delivered instantly in PDF format.  For you to enjoy.


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