7 Bronte Sisters Books Novels Collection Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Agnes Grey, Shirley, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall


We present the definitive collection of Bronte Sisters novels.  This classic Bronte sisters books collection comprises of all 7 novels published by Charlotte Bronte, Anne Bronte, and Emily Bronte, which are available to download instantly and enjoy.  And now includes 3 free audiobooks

List of Bronte Novels

Below is the list of the Bronte novels included in this collection

  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  • Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte
  • Shirley by Charlotte Bronte
  • The Professor by Charlotte Bronte
  • Villette by Charlotte Bronte
  • The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte

Include Free Audiobooks

Plus, three free audiobooks for you to enjoy listening to, which of course are available to download and enjoy immediately.

  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
  • Villette by Charlotte Bronte

This selection of eco-friendly books downloadable books can be enjoyed on your phone, tablet, laptop, e-book reader or desktop

So, without further ado let’s take of look at the books you’re about to enjoy reading



Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Written by Charlotte and published under the pen name “Currer Bell”, on 16 October 1847, this book is the quintessential classic Victorian novel. It describes the period, combines many elements into one gripping story with hints of gothic horror, life struggles and romance. The book tells the story of Jane Eyre’s childhood at Gateshead Hall, where she is emotionally and physically abused; her education at Lowood School; her time as governess at Thornfield Hall, where she falls in love with her mysterious employer.

What people say about Jane Eyre

“The kind of novel that makes one believe in love (again)”

“Jane Eyre is certainly, one of the best novels ever written.”

“Definitely an oldie, but goodie for sure.”

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Wuthering Heights a griping, intense classic romance story by Emily Bronte about love, passion, heartbreak, betrayal between wealthy Catherine Earnshaw and poor Heathcliff.

What people say about Wuthering Heights

“Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte is one of those books that provoke such intense feelings”

“Behold the wild, dark side of love.”

“Holy cats! That was not what I was expecting”

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

Villette by Charlotte Bronte

Villette Charlotte Brontë’s fourth novel first published in 1853 starts just after a family disaster, Lucy Snowe travels from the UK to a city called Villette to teach at a girls’ school, where she is drawn into adventure and romance.

What people say about Villette

“Reading Villette was like reading a huge epic that I was so immersed in that I walked in Lucy Snowe’s shoes, I felt what she felt. How many authors can do that to you?”

“Even after a third reading of Villette, I am still surprised by how much this novel resonates with me.”

“I loved the tone, the characters the setting, the prose.”

Villette by Charlotte Bronte
Villette by Charlotte Bronte

Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte

Agnes Grey was the first novel written by Anne Bronte, which draws on her experience as a governesss.  It depicts the fascinating historical role of a governesses as she works within several families of the English gentry during the 19th century.  The story is approached in a thoughtful and gentle way, intertwined with the struggles and oppression of womanhood.  And a thoroughly moving love story.

“Be prepared for an emotional roller coaster when you read this”

“Agnes Grey is a thoughtful read”

“I love this book. Every time I reread it; I like it more. I love how gentle, how subdued, how circumspect the book is. I also love the themes it made me think about that I very rarely encounter in modern-day literature.”

Agnes Grey Anne Bronte
Agnes Grey Anne Bronte

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte

This novel tackles Helen “Graham” struggles as woman trying to gain her independence, running away from a failed marriage she returns to Wildfell Hall to start to rebuild her life.

“The plot is fast-paced and enjoyable”

“I’m thankful to Anne Bronte for taking upon a daring venture in writing this wonderful book on a universal and timeless theme.”

“The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte surprised me in a good way. I have been reading a lot of Victorian literature lately and this was quite a departure.”

The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall by Anne Bronte

Shirley by Charlotte Bronte

Shirley by Charlotte Bronte is very much a social novel centres around two vastly different heroines.  A shy Caroline Helstone, who is trapped in the oppressive atmosphere of a Yorkshire rectory. And the other wealthy Shirley Keeldar, liberated from convention who inherits a local estate.   Set in Yorkshire between 1811 and 1812, during the industrial depression resulting from the Napoleonic Wars and the War of 1812. The novel plays out against the backdrop of the Luddite uprisings in the Yorkshire textile industry.  And deals with several social themes of the time such as labor injustice, bias against women, and poverty.

“Charlotte Bronte’s Shirley is one of the most beautiful, enriching, and satisfying novels that I’ve read this year.”

“What an amazing book. Charlotte Bronte, you have opened my eyes again as you did with Jane Eyre, but even more so.”

“I highly recommend Shirley to be added to your Bronte collection.”

Shirley by Charlotte Bronte
Shirley by Charlotte Bronte

The Professor by Charlotte Bronte

This is the first novel penned by Charlotte written  in a male voice it follows the story of a young man, called William Crimsworth. It describes his maturation, his loves, and his eventual career as a professor at an all-girl’s school.

“The Professor is the only story in which Charlotte dares to talk through a man’s voice. She talks about responsibility, about earning your own success through effort and sacrifice, to defy the strict clichés and the hypocrisy of the English Society and to stand up to your ideals.”

“No rags to riches story here, but one where the protagonist earns everything he has through his own means.”

“I love William, I love the story, the humor, and the romance.”

The Professor by Charlotte Bronte
The Professor by Charlotte Bronte


We provide these books in a digital format which can be downloaded instantly onto your device, no need to wait.  These books can be enjoyed on your phone, tablet, laptop, e-book reader, kindle,  or desktop.